YEAR  2012-2013 Schematic, and Design Phases
TYPE  3-Building Apartment Complex, 7 stories
STATUS  Completed in 2016
LOCATION  Oberwil, Baselland, Switzerland

This trio of carefully planned apartment buildings was designed to provide the best quality interior spaces for future tenants, daylight being a major factor. Iteration after iteration, the architecture team focused on gaining the maximum amount of light into the units, while providing a clear and straight forward design of the exterior. The loggias were also designed to truly feel as outdoor extensions of the building. While the main exterior material is a thick mass of insulation and a robust stucco layer, the loggias are thermally broken from the main building shell as a separate concrete tower, tied in at various points for lateral support.
We worked on this project in 2013 providing building volume calculations to meet Swiss codes (SIA 416), exterior loggia design iterations, physical model building, and interior renderings.

Project Website - Proplaning AG

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DANIEL GHIELMETTI, ARCHITECT, AIA  |  DENVER, COLORADO  |  © 2024 Daniel Ghielmetti and Studio Ghielmetti LLC